End-of-life See details of how EOL will be handled. End-of-life How to verify your iso If you plan to create USB boot media, please read this first to avoid damage to your system.
Cloud and container images We build, maintain and update Cloud images that you can find on our Cloud Images server. Parallel to that, we have also official images that are available directly to be deployed for the following solutions: Amazon Web Services Docker Registry If the above is not for you, alternative downloads might be.
Sources The CentOS project hosts our sources at git. Export Regulations By downloading CentOS software, you acknowledge that you understand all of the following: CentOS software and technical information may be subject to the U. Please keep in mind that all comments are moderated and your email address will NOT be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you liked this article, then do subscribe to email alerts for Linux tutorials. If you have any questions or doubts? Related Posts. Suman, here is your answer what the differences are straight from CentOS readme file.
Hi Ravi, Can the same procedure followed installing in virtual box? Regards Sridhar Reply. Thanks Ravi, Which version would you recommend. Sana on October 25, pm. Thank you Reply. Rahul on October 26, am. Minimal version is good to install. Later you can install packages of your choice. Rahul Madhukar Koli on January 4, pm. Patrick Boge on June 8, am. Ranji on May 31, am. Fortunately, for those that wound up with a GUI-less CentOS server, adding a graphical desktop environment into the mix is actually not that hard.
It's actually much easier than you might expect. For this to work, I will assume you already have CentOS 7 installed without a desktop environment , you have access to either the root account or a user with sudo rights, and that your machine has an internet connection. Do note, although the installation of the GNOME environment will not require a reboot, to gain access to the graphical login will. Before we actually run the installation, let's update first.
Issue the command sudo yum update to upgrade everything that can be upgraded. If the update process happens to upgrade the kernel, you will have to reboot to make those changes take effect.
This installation may take a bit of time depending upon the speed of your hardware and internet connection. Allow it to complete and you will be subsequently deposited back at your terminal window.
To finish up the installation, issue the command:. The above command will inform the startx command which desktop environment to run.