Manipulate graph not displaying on downloaded file mathematica

Mathematica Graphics and Visualization Wolfram Language. Rachel Lee. Posted 6 years ago. Follow this post. Mark as an Answer Reply Flag. Marco Thiel, University of Aberdeen - Dept. Hi, one would need more information. Sean Clarke, Wolfram Research. If you are running it from command line then you can export the graph to see it. Luis Ledesma. David Reiss, Scientific Arts. David Mackay, Retired Engineer.

Hi David, I'm struggling with issues similar to those Pete had. Reply to this discussion in reply to. Community posts can be styled and formatted using the Markdown syntax. Tag limit exceeded. Note: Only the first five people you tag will receive an email notification; the other tagged names will appear as links to their profiles. Publish anyway Cancel. Remove Add a file to this post. Wolfram Engine Software engine implementing the Wolfram Language.

Wolfram Data Framework Semantic framework for real-world data. Wolfram Universal Deployment System Instant deployment across cloud, desktop, mobile, and more. Wolfram Knowledgebase Curated computable knowledge powering Wolfram Alpha. Answer Unmark.

Mark as an Answer. Finance Mathematica Graphics and Visualization. Mathematica won't plot my functions, not sure why? Dan T. When you create a complete multipartite graph, the graph layout is automatically set to "MultipartiteLayout". Check Options[a1, GraphLayout].

This layout is inherited by the result of EdgeAdd. Instead of indicating that something is wrong, and issuing some readable error message, Mathematica will simply not render the graph. It is frustrating to see so many of these issues because anyone who actually uses this functionality area will run into these things regularly.

This is why I keep repeating that development should be driven by real use cases, and feedback from users who actually use this for real work. It works even if it introduces new vertices. What fails is not the change to the graph but displaying the graph. This is because the number of vertices is part of the GraphLayout specification.

Thus any operation that changes the number of vertices but does not explicitly change the GraphLayout will cause the graph to fail to draw. Wolfram Language Revolutionary knowledge-based programming language.


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