Failed to download gnu archive

Because if I run emacs "normally" as root I can definitely use the default http URL for elpa and install let-alist 1. Hold on, I'll post again when I confirm this. I tried fixing this by modifying my build to include a gpg --recv-keys with arguments similar to those found in this project's Dockerfile.

However, what was causing me to doubt this approach was that downloading the keys was failing inconsistently.

I guess I need to pick a specific keyserver rather than the round-robin DNS that seems to be happening here]. I still have weird issues.

Might be because you haven't called package-initialize? Can you try this:. Ha, it never occured to me that Emacs was broken to the point that you had to call package-initialize before package-refresh-contents.

Also, I wonder if it'd be possible to import the ELPA key system-wide so you wouldn't have to import the key yourself? Per the manual, what you're seeing is defined behavior for --batch. It calls the function package-initialize to activate any optional Emacs Lisp package that has been installed. See Packaging Basics. To initialize packages in the latter case, package-initialize should be called explicitly e. Scanning through the rest of the document you can see there are various site configuration files and hooks that run during the startup sequence, you might be able to use them arrange to initialize those gpg keys.

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Improve this question. Sign in to your account. Describe the issue The gnu archive cannot be downloaded, causing installation to fail installing undo-tree, and by extension the evil packages because they depend on undo-tree.

When running doom quickstart on a new computer, I encountered a problem where evil was not installed. Investigating a bit more, it was because it depends on undo-tree, which isn't installed because it is on the GNU repository. Trying to request the same URL with curl yields no issues, and gives me a seemingly correct response.

Thanks for the suggestion. Answer in the link above do not help. I feel like it is our cooperate proxy that causing this trouble. Emacs did picking up the proxy setting from environment. So I've run into this issue but was able to solve it by adding in the proxy information at the top of early-init.

The problem now is that if I want to pull the latest commits I need to remove then add this code back each time, and attempting to add it to my own config.


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